If you cease to work entirely due to a long sick leave, terminate your YEL insurance. The termination date is usually the onset date of illness. The insurance may be terminated if the break in your work lasts approximately four months. If there is no certainty that your activities will continue, your insurance can be terminated. YEL insurance can be terminated retroactively.
You should also terminate your YEL insurance if you do not completely cease to work due to the illness, but you work so much less that your work contribution remains below the minimum YEL income. In this case, the termination date will be the date when the work has decreased to below the minimum level.
Learn more about YEL income
More on situations in which YEL insurance is terminated
Terminate your insurance in Varma Online Service
When you resume working, take out new YEL insurance starting from the day when you begin working again.
Take out YEL insurance
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