Accessibility Statement for the Varma Online Service

This Accessibility Statement (updated on 17 June 2024) concerns’s online service for personal, corporate and self-employed customers (hereinafter online service). In the online service, you can take care of matters related to statutory earnings-related pension insurance, apply for pension or rehabilitation and view and report information related to pension or rehabilitation.

Accessibility Statement

We aim to guarantee the accessibility of our online service in accordance with the Act on the Provision of Digital Services (306/2019). We have assessed the accessibility of our online service ourselves. We develop our services together with digital communication professionals and accessibility experts.

Our online service largely fulfils the accessibility requirements and does not contain critical accessibility deficiencies. Efforts to rectify these problems are under way and will be completed at the end of 2024.

Some of the PDF files on our website are still not fully accessible. The accessibility work related to them is under way and expected to be completed in the course of 2023–2024. The accessibility requirements do not concern files that were published in the online service before 23 September 2018, unless such a file is necessary for taking care of an unfinished matter or the file is otherwise essential to processing the matter.

If you require information regarding your personal matter and this information is not contained in an accessible format in our services, please contact us by sending us a message on the Messages page or in a secure email, or by calling our customer service at the number 010 192 100.

If you notice any accessibility problems, please let us know. You can give general feedback on accessibility via the online form. Do not send personal questions regarding your matter using the online form.

We will respond to your feedback within 14 days. If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, or if you do not receive a response from us within two weeks, you can notify the Southern Finland Regional State Administrative agency of the matter. The website of the Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency contains instructions on how to file the notice and information on how the matter will be addressed.

Contact details of the supervisory authority

Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency
Accessibility supervision unit
Phone number 0295 016 000 (switchboard)