Pension brochures and videos

Read brochures on earnings-related pension benefits and watch webinar recordings on pensions.

Pension brochures and videos

Pension brochures

There are many types of earnings-related pension. Find out which one is right for you and read more about qualifying conditions for different pensions from our pension brochures (pdf). More information about pensions and instructions for applying for a pension can be found on the Pensions page.

Varma secures your earnings-related pension

Old-age pension

Partial old-age pension

Varma supports your vocational rehabilitation

Disability pension

Years-of-service pension


Pension cover for the unemployed

An employee is retiring – what an employer should know?



How finnish pension system works and what are the basic principles you should know about pension security?

Watch webinar recording Information about pensions in Finland

Help with using our services

Take care of your pension matters online

In our online service, you can, for instance

  • check your pension record to see how much pension you have accrued
  • see an estimate of the amount of your future pension
  • calculate estimates for other types of pension
  • fill in an application for pension.

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