Rehabilitation options

A well-made rehabilitation plan that supports you in continuing to work in a job that suits your state of health serves as the basis for starting rehabilitation. When selecting a rehabilitation option, we take into account your education and employment history, your state of health and your interests. Vocational rehabilitation options are work trial, job coaching, education and support for the self-employed or for someone considering self-employment.

Work trial

You can use a work trial to return to your job with a lighter workload or try out new work tasks that suit your work ability better. A work trial can take place with your current or a new employer. When planning a work trial, it is important to assess whether the work will support your work ability in the long term.

A valid employment contract or an absence due to illness does not prevent you from starting a work trial.

A work trial can help

  • support a soft return to your current work after a long absence due to illness.
  • assess your ability to cope with your current work.
  • modify your tasks to better suit your state of health.
  • support your placement with a new employer in tasks that are better suited to your work ability.
  • test out the suitability of new work tasks.

More information on work trials

Work trials are planned at the workplace as a co-operative effort between the rehabilitant and the employer. In the case of a work trial in your current work, it is important for occupational health care to participate in the planning.

If the work trial involves new work with a new employer, our rehabilitation partner’s coach also often joins the process with the rehabilitant and the employer.

When planning a work trial, it is important to agree on

  • the goals of the work trial
  • the tasks during the work trial
  • working hours and monitoring
  • whether the work trial is paid or unpaid
  • the persons responsible at the workplace and in occupational health care.

A work trial can last anywhere from one to six months. The initial duration of work trials is most often two to three months, but they can be extended after a mid-term evaluation if warranted.

The minimum number of hours for a work trial is 20 hours per week. Daily working hours can vary between four and eight hours. The aim is to gradually increase the number of working hours during the work trial to full-time hours.

We recommend that you postpone any holidays you may have until after your work trial. Before the work trial begins, discuss with your rehabilitation specialist if you must take a holiday during your work trial. Rehabilitation benefits are not paid for holidays.

Job coaching

With the help of job coaching, you can acquire new competence by learning on the job. The coaching can be carried out with your current employer or with a new employer. If needed, tailored training can be added to the job coaching plan. Job coaching often follows a work trial, which helps to determine that the planned job description is suited to your health.

More information on the job coaching

The rehabilitant and the employer and/or rehabilitation partner together draw up a job coaching programme which lays down

  • the job description targeted through job coaching and the competence the job requires
  • the work tasks during the coaching
  • the working hours and monitoring
  • whether the coaching is paid or unpaid
  • the persons responsible at the workplace.

The contents, duration and working hours of job coaching are planned individually. The goal is to achieve a sufficient skill level.

Unpaid or paid work trial or job coaching?

Work trials and job coaching can be either paid or unpaid. Discuss and agree on this with the employer before the work trial or job coaching begins.

The rehabilitation allowance or cash rehabilitation benefit (and rehabilitation increment) granted as the source of income during an unpaid work trial or job coaching is paid to you. Varma will take out accident insurance for you in case of an occupational accident during your work trial or job coaching period.

In the case of a paid work trial or job coaching, the employer will pay your salary and Varma will pay the employer the rehabilitation allowance during your work trial or job coaching period upon application by the employer. The employer pays the salary based on full-time work even though the rehabilitant works part-time.

If the rehabilitation allowance exceeds the salary paid by the employer, the difference between the rehabilitation allowance and the salary will be paid to the rehabilitant.

Health care, occupational safety and sick leave during a work trial and job coaching

The employer, occupational health care and a possible rehabilitation partner monitor the planned progress of the work trial or job coaching. The rehabilitant, employer or occupational health care representative may contact Varma if any health or other challenges appear.

If the employment relationship is no longer valid during the work trial or job coaching and occupational health care cannot be used, the health care measures will be implemented as part of basic health care.

Occupational safety legislation and the guidelines and regulations laid down on the basis of such legislation apply during the work trial and job coaching period, as in normal employment. The employer and the employee are bound by the rights and obligations of the employment contract, but the nature of the work trial or job coaching is taken into consideration in the work to be carried out.

The rehabilitant must inform the employer of absences due sickness in accordance with the rules of the workplace. In the case of absences lasting longer than one week, Varma must be provided with a sick leave certificate.


Retraining is an option if suitable work tasks cannot be found based on your education and work experience. Sometimes a work trial or job coaching is not enough in the long term. The planned education programme must lead to a vocation that is suited to your state of health. Education is applied for according to the general application practices.

Retraining supported by Varma may consist of

  • a course or other shorter further training or a partial degree or qualification
  • a vocational upper secondary qualification
  • a further qualification
  • a specialist qualification
  • a polytechnic degree.

Studies in an open university of applied sciences or path studies cannot be supported as vocational rehabilitation.

In addition to full-time studies, studies can also be carried out as multiform studies or an apprenticeship at the workplace.


More information on studying

The progress of your studies is monitored each term based on your transcript. Your studies must be full time, and they must advance in line with your study plan. Vocational studies are full time if they equal at least 4.5 competence points/study month. Studies in higher education institutions are full time if they equal at least 5 credits/study month.

Varma’s rehabilitation partners help in monitoring your studies.

First discuss your study plan, any changes required or any support you may need, with your school’s contact person.

Contact Varma or our rehabilitation partner if

  • your studies don’t proceed as planned
  • your studies are interrupted for more than a week due to illness or another reason
  • your study plans change or
  • you graduate earlier than planned.

If you are studying in an apprenticeship, remember to contact the apprenticeship office.

The changes can affect the payment of your rehabilitation benefit. We may also collect from you any unduly paid rehabilitation benefit.

Support for the self-employed

There are many vocational rehabilitation options for a self-employed person whose work ability has weakened and is impeding their entrepreneurial activities. During the rehabilitation programme, the self-employed person is paid a rehabilitation allowance.

Contact your own rehabilitation specialist if you have received a preliminary vocational rehabilitation decision and need help in drawing up a plan for returning to work. Varma can also offer you a coaching service offered by our rehabilitation partners. You can think about work tasks that are suited to your state of health together with your personal coach.

If you start new entrepreneurial activities with Varma’s support, you need to take out a new YEL insurance immediately from the start of your self-employment.

Read more about YEL insurance

Rehabilitation options for the self-employed

After a long period of sick leave, we can support your return to work in the same entrepreneurial activities as before by means of a work trial for the self-employed. The aim of a work trial is a soft return to work.

Daily working hours can vary between four to eight hours and can be increased gradually during the trial work.

A work trial usually lasts from three to six months. We can support a work trial for a self-employed person also in cases where the person’s entrepreneurial activities are just beginning.

Job coaching can be used to start a new business or to develop an existing business. The contents and duration of the coaching are agreed on individually, and it generally consists of on-the-job learning and further education.

A business subsidy can be granted for the purpose of establishing a company or for changing entrepreneurial activities. The subsidy can be used, for instance, to purchase aids to help you perform your work or to acquire new tools. The subsidy is based on a needs assessment, and it must be accompanied by other forms of financing.

If you cannot continue performing your entrepreneurial activities for health-related reasons, you may be able to find a new profession through retraining. You can find out what your options are with the help of our rehabilitation partner.

In some situations, an apprenticeship for entrepreneurs, for instance, can give you the opportunity to develop your entrepreneurial activities to suit your health.

Help with using our services

Help with using our services

Take care of your rehabilitation matters online

In our online service, you can, for instance

  • apply for vocational rehabilitation and send attachments
  • draw up and send a rehabilitation plan
  • claim compensation for commuting expenses during a work trial or education period
  • check your earnings limit
  • send a message to your rehabilitation specialist